Can breastfeeding prevent pregnancy

Can breastfeeding prevent pregnancy

Can breastfeeding prevent pregnancy

Breastfeeding benefits women and children together, but the question is always in the mind of women newly born: breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy? Let us discover together the answer to this question in the following article.
Can breastfeeding prevent pregnancy?
A study conducted by the National Institute of child health and human development in the United States about the benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and child to breastfeeding affect ovulation and the return of the menstrual cycle, which may reduce the chances of pregnancy. But that doesn't mean that breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy, as the study indicates that its results not final since it is conducted on a sample of women. Therefore we recommend you Ma'am that use contraceptives if you didn't want to give birth at the moment.
How does breastfeeding affect pregnancy?
If the woman is nursing her child breastfed only throughout the day about seven or eight times a day, it is likely that intersection PMS for about six months or more after birth. The reason for this is the high prolactin hormone any milk hormone, which makes the body feel like he's still in a State of pregnancy which reduces fertility and ovulation, and thus reduces the chances of conceiving naturally.

Other tools that may help to prevent pregnancy during breastfeeding:
As breastfeeding is not considered an effective deterrent for pregnancy, you should adopt one of the other methods of contraception, and this means:
Put the screw inside the womb
Taking a pill prescribed by your doctor
Posted contraception
If as studies show that the benefits of breastfeeding on hysterectomy many different are most famously possible reduce the chances of pregnancy. From here, try my lady to suck on your child if your doctor and stay away from milk plant to benefit from this experience that brings you closer to your child.

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