Treatments used to deal with occupational asthma

Treatments used to deal with occupational asthma

Treatments used to deal with occupational asthma

Necessary to avoid workplace irritants causing symptoms and asthma attacks, however, if you get an allergy to a substance, it may induce tiny amounts of asthma symptoms you have, even if you wear a mask or respirator, so you'll need medications to control symptoms.
Necessary to avoid workplace irritants causing symptoms and asthma attacks, however, if you get an allergy to a substance, it may induce tiny amounts of asthma symptoms you have, even if you wear a mask or respirator, so you'll need medications to control symptoms and prevent asthma attacks.
Asthma treatment includes prevention of symptoms and treatment of worsening asthma and appropriate medication depends on several factors, including age, symptoms, and triggers of asthma and what better to control your asthma.
1. long-term control medicine
In most cases, you must take these medications daily. The types of medications long-term asthma control:
-Inhaled alkortikostroidatthese drugs include fluticasone (Flovent discus VHF weflovint) webodisonid (Pulmicort Flex Heller) wemomitazon (almanacs) wesiklisonid (also) webiklomithazon (qin) and other medicines.
It is the most common type of medication prescribed for asthma long range, you may need to take these medications for a period ranging from several days to weeks before making the most of them.
Inhaled alkortikostroidat are associated with relatively little risk of side effects and exposure are generally safe for long-term use. The most common side effects of bacterial infection occur in the mouth or throat. Usually, this can be prevented through rinse mouth after inhaling the drug.
-Allikotrinat rates include oral medication intake almontilokast (sngoler) wesavirlokast (kaolin) weziloton (ziflo CR). These medicines help prevent asthma symptoms for up to 24 hours.
In rare cases, connecting doctors between almontilokast and psychological reactions, like raving, aggression, hallucinations, depression and suicidal thinking, so I'm asking for medical advice, bye feeling unusual reaction.
Long-acting beta agonists. these include drugs that are inhaled salmeterol (adver discus) weformotirol (foradil). And working on open-air corridors to reduce inflammation. However, it is associated with severe asthma attacks occur, so must be addressed only with inhaled corticosteroids.
-Synthesis nebulizer medications such as fluticasone wesalmitirol (adver discus, adver VHF), webodisonid formoterol (Symbicort) wemomitazon formoterol (cholera), containing long-acting beta agonists would have suppressed his corticosteroids may increase the risk of an asthma attack. Stiff.
-Theophylline is a daily deal to help maintain an open airway (bronchial Extenders). And works theophylline (Theo-24 waliksovilin and other medications) on muscle relaxant surrounding air passages to be breathing easier, and not used much now as in the past because of the availability of more effective drugs.
2. quick-relief medicines
Also called SOS, and used when needed to relieve asthma symptoms quickly and short range during an asthma attack-or before exercise if the doctor recommended it. Quick-relief medications types include the following:
-Short-acting beta-agonist inhaler bronchial Extenders can relieve symptoms quickly during an asthma attack. They include albuterol (VHF broader any wefantolin VHF, etc) welivalboterol (VHF zobiniks) weberbotirol (max air Tuthill), and the effect of these drugs within minutes and lasts for several hours.
-Abiratrobiom (Atrovent-hf)bronchial dilator that is used mainly in cases of emphysema and chronic bronchitis, but is sometimes used to treat asthma.
-Alkortikostroidat oral and intravenous medicines reduce inflammation of the Airways caused by severe asthma. Examples include prednisone and prednisolone (medrol). And when used for a long time, it may cause serious side effects, such as high blood pressure and weight gain and increased risk of infection, so it is used to treat acute asthma symptoms only over a short period.
3. asthma which is motivated by allergies.
If your asthma triggers or worsens allergies, it is possible taking advantage of allergy treatment. Allergy treatment methods include the following:
-Allergy medications include antihistamines and decongestants both oral and nasal sprays, over and above the nasal sprays containing alkortikostroidat walkromolin (nazalkrom) walabratrobiom (Atrovent).
Allergy injections (immunotherapy)are given the injection immunotherapy generally once a week for several months, and then once a month for three to five years. Over time, it gradually reduces the immune response to certain types of allergens.
-Aumalisomab (color)is given by injection, for the treatment of allergies and asthma that is difficult to reverse.
* Do not rely on quick-relief medicines only
The asthma meds long term-such as inhaled alkortikostroidat-is the basis for the treatment of asthma, and that these drugs control asthma every day, besides minimizing your exposure to asthma.
If your asthma condition intensified, fast relief spray can relieve symptoms immediately, but if long-term control medicine is effective, you do not need to use fast relief spray often.
The number of streams that you inhale it each week, and if you want to use an aerosol can quick relief than medications by your doctor, you should consult a doctor, you may need to modify the long-term control medicine.
* Alternative medicine
While some people claim to relieve alternative treatments for asthma symptoms, you might have to conduct more research in most cases to see how effective they are and whether they cause side effects, especially for people with allergies and asthma.
Piloted a number of other alternative treatments for asthma, but there is no clear benefit of treatment, including:
-Breathing techniques. These techniques include breathing programs, such as biotiko to regulate breathing and lung muscle training booth method and Yoga exercises to regulate breathing (pranayama).
-Acupuncture. This technique has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine, containing very fine needles at strategic points on your body. And acupuncture is safe and usually painless, but signs of use on asthma inconclusive.
-Relaxation methods. It may be helpful to use certain techniques like meditation, biofeedback and hypnosis, and progressive muscle relaxation-for asthma by reducing tension and stress, with no clear signs of improvement in those techniques for asthma.
-Herbal remedies and dietary supplements. Was the experience of a number of herbal remedies and dietary supplements to treat asthma, including bitter orange plant, rich fatty acids baumiga 3 (on fish oil and flax seed) and vitamin c results diverged. about that.
-Traditional Chinese medicine. Often uses traditional Chinese medicine mixture of herbs to treat certain disorders, however, there is a need for more research on this topic.
Finally, you should consult a doctor before taking any herbs or dietary supplements, as some of these treatments may cause potentially serious side effects and may interfere with other medications.

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