What is the appropriate interval between births?

What is the appropriate interval between births?

What is the appropriate interval between births?

A recent medical study advised mothers new fast appetizers need to wait for a year, at least, after the birth of the last child to reduce health risks to the mother and the fetus.
But researchers said that the ideal duration between Aly 18 months should not be as provided by the World Health Organization guidelines.
And lead short breaks between fast and another to the risk of including the possibility of early birth or the birth of children of less weight, risk up to the death of the baby or the mother.
Dr. Wendy Norman, who participated in the study, "it must be achieved and is one year between Aly, feasible for many women, it seems useful to reduce the risk of complications."
The study included nearly 150 thousand births in Canada, under the auspices of the University of British Colombia and Harvard t h CHAN to public health, the study published in the journal of gamma internal medicine. "
The study concluded that a period of 12 to 18 months is the perfect length between the two.

According to current who guidelines, the ideal interval between the two is 24 months and for at least 18 months.

The researchers found important information including:
Pregnancy-associated after less than 12 months of childbearing women's health risks during pregnancy whatever the new age.
Mother risks appeared only for women over the age of 35 years, while the risks to the baby in all cases regardless of the age of the mother, but was greater in women between 20 and 34 years.
Risks of death or sickness by 1.2 percent among women 35 years of age beyond childbearing, and decide to pregnancy after just six months of birth.
Wait for 18 months between reproduction and induce new reduced size to 0.5 percent.
The proportion of premature births to 8.5 percent among younger women, and they decided to load six months after birth.
Premature birth risk drops to 3.7 percent if younger mothers waited 18 months between pregnancy and another.
She said the main supervisor, Laura short: "we found increased risks for both mother and baby when pregnancy converged significantly, including for older women of 35 years.
It explains that "results of older women is particularly important, because they tended to play the pregnancy, and often did it on purpose."
The study was conducted on only one group of women in Canada, so it's unclear how the applicability of this world.

Dr. Sonia Hernandez Diaz, the results suggest that the risks are different for each age group.
Sonia Hernandez added: "whether they are high risks caused by lack of our body time to recover from childbirth or factors associated with unplanned pregnancies, such as inadequate prenatal care, one recommendation (must improve access to contraception after childbirth, or Abstaining from unprotected sexual intercourse with a male partner after birth).
Mandy said Forrester, a Royal College of midwives in Britain, to study search is useful depends on previous research in need spacing.
And stresses that ultimately whatever women must choose between fast and another. What's important is that she is aware of the evidence relating to the length of time between birth and be selected based on valid information.
She said that women need advice on contraceptives to allow them to regulate the duration between having children if that is their choice.

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