8 ways to burn calories in cold weather

 8ways to burn calories in cold weather

 8ways to burn calories in cold weather

Creeping laziness often alarmed when the winter chill, they shrink from motion and any movement even if it would burn the extra calories from stock him. ‎ ‎
‎ ‎‎Is it anyway to burn those calories without bye Pushup? and how?‎‎ ‎
‎ ‎‎Answer: Yes, through the influence of Brown fat (Brown fact) health in our bodies which when activated increases calorie burning.‎
‎And you will learn what comes on eight ways for how to get the metabolism (metabolism) without doing any exercise.‎‎

‎‎1. temperature control

‎studies showed that reduce heating by a few degrees would increase daily calorie burn by 6%. ‎‎
‎You sit in a cold room moderately (19-20 ° c) per day can lead to increase metabolism about 20%, and that means burn 2800 calories per week by men, burning 2100 calories per week by women, which is the equivalent of burning Calories of jogging marathon week. ‎

‎ ‎‎2. spices and condiments‎

‎Add Spice and spice to what you eat every day is one way to enhance calorie burning, chili contains alkabsaisinoidat, which are chemicals that can be demonstrated to have strong effects on the process Metabolism and the amount of food we eat. ‎‎
‎In one study, the daily consumption of alkabsaisinoidat at meals to make people choose food contains 74 calories less. ‎

‎3. bathing water temperature‎‎ ‎

‎Experts believe that exposing the body to brief whiffs of colder water than plain water can enhance metabolism through devouring calories in the fat of good infrastructure (Healthy brown fat), and healthy fats are present in the body and activate it causes burning calories. ‎
‎ Try varying water shower to throw yourself 10 rounds of cold water and warm on rotation for 10 seconds only, but it's like exercise, take time to adapt to it, and this is not recommended practice, any person who suffers from heart problems, you can try him One cool for a minute or two after you shower with warm water. ‎ ‎

‎ ‎‎4. the number of clothes‎

‎is our very sophisticated genetic, it sends commands to start the metabolism when exposed to low temperatures, which helps burn calories. ‎ ‎
‎And of course we have to protect our limbs in cold weather too, but it's not good to go beyond our needs, but we give priority to cover the ears or wear a hat, gloves, and socks over jackets. ‎

‎5. baked Apple temptation‎

‎is a baked Apple dessert good food that helps to burn calories, but makes sure you keep the Peel apples, where there is a natural substance in Apple Peel called alaorsolik acid, it does burn calories. ‎
‎A study in mice showed that that gave her a dietary supplement contains alaorsolik acid ate more than dealing with a normal diet, she lost weight and gained muscle tissue, which is not bad. ‎

‎ ‎‎6. get out of the House and‎

‎do your best to spend at least 5-10 minutes outside every hour to be awake, and for most people, that means spending approximately 1-2 hours a day outside, and if the weather is too cold, don't give up, you can Expose yourself to short whiffs of cold air, by going out for a few seconds in a snow day or through the open window. ‎

‎7. milk and eat porridge‎

‎milk raises the temperature of the fat and burns calories shortly afterward, other research has found that the porridge, which is a dish made by boiling oats or other grain meals in water or milk, or both, and usually offer Warm in a bowl or dish, enhance metabolism. ‎
‎It showed some thermal images taken before and after a breakfast meal consisting of warm porridge contains 25 grams of oats and 70 melltra of whole milk and brown sugar to Brown fat temperature has gone up five minutes after eating the porridge.‎

‎8. the temperature of the bedroom‎‎ ‎

‎Many of us adjust the bedroom temperature 27 degrees Celsius, but researchers at the National Institute of health in the United States have found that sleeping for four weeks at room temperature 19 degrees Celsius helped a group of men to double Brown fat concentrations so they used to burn Calories while sleeping. ‎
‎As the men used their extra calories throughout the day and there were positive changes in sensitivity to insulin, meaning their ability to control blood sugar has also improved.‎

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