Who needs a stem cell transplant and risky?

Who needs a stem cell transplant and risky?

Who needs a stem cell transplant and risky?

Transplanting stem cells, also called blood or bone marrow transplants, are injected or inject the stem cells in the body to replace damaged or diseased stem cells. Stem cell transplantation may be necessary if the bone marrow stops working.
Transplanting stem cells, also called blood or bone marrow transplants, are injected or inject the stem cells in the body to replace damaged or diseased stem cells. This may be necessary if the implant-bone marrow stopped working and was not producing enough healthy stem cells.
You can also do this if you have a large dose of chemotherapy or radiation therapy as a treatment for blood disorders such as leukemia and tumors, lymph and bone marrow tumor sclerosis or sickle.
And stem cell transplant can help your body to produce white or red blood cells or platelets adequate sound, reducing the risk of infection and anemia and bleeding risk to life.
Although a renewal supplying your body with healthy cells, called hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in General, it is also known as bone marrow transplant, or peripheral stem cells transplant or cord blood transplant, according to a source of stem cells.
And can be used to make stem cell transplant cells from your body (Autologous stem cell transplant) or identical twins (plant genotype).

* Reasons for action
Stem cell transplants used to treat people suffering from stem cell damage due to disease or treatment for a specific disease or as a way to make a person's immune system to resist a donor blood disorders such as leukemia.
Can stem cell transplants benefit people suffering from all of the cancers (malignant) and non-cancerous (benign), and can help stem cell transplantation in the treatment of blood disorders by:
-Kill cancer cells will be given powerful drugs (chemotherapy) with or without radiation therapy to kill cancer cells, then the doctors will inject the body with healthy stem cells previously collected from you or from a donor.
And move the new stem cells to bone marrow, over time, produce new cells intact. Additionally, the cells of the person the donor has the power to kill some types of cancer cells.
-Helping you to recover quickly from large doses of chemotherapy and radiation might let you healthy cells being injected during stem cell transplant possibility to recover quickly from chemotherapy and radiation, because of these cells not exposed to such devastating treatments.

* Risk
Many stem cell transplantation carries the risk of complications and some are likely to be very dangerous. Risk of complications depends on the reason for the transplant, transplant type, age, and general health status.
Although some people suffer from a few problems in transplantation, others may suffer from complications may require treatment or hospitalization. Some complications may be dangerous to life.
Include complications that may result from stem cell transplants:
-Rabies bait on this occasion (is the Autism occurs after a bone marrow transplant from the same person receiving, results from a complex interaction, and the condition of the bait about acute host distinctive syndrome Dermatitis, hepatitis, and intestinal inflammation).
-Failed to stem cells (vaccination).
-Member injured.
Your doctor can explain risk complications from stem cell transplant, you and your physician assess the risks and benefits to determine whether stem cell transplant is right for you.

* Rabies bait about new
If you are to undergo a transplant of stem cells from a donor (stem cell transplant for symmetric genotype only), you may be exposed to the risk of rabies bait about this occasion. This situation occurs when a movable stem cells attack the body.
And it could be the bait about new aohada light, as could happen shortly after transplant or after months or years afterward.
Bait disease affects about most commonly on this occasion:
-Skin. It causes a rash resembling the sunburn.
-The digestive system. Can cause mouth sores, abdominal pain, or diarrhea or nausea or vomiting.
-Liver. It can cause yellowing of the skin (yellow).
-Lungs. Can cause airway obstruction.
-Eyes. Can cause irritability and sensitivity to light.
Bait disease can lead to a chronic deficit on this occasion because of an injury or infection and may be dangerous to life, the doctor will follow closely in anticipation of these signs of complications.

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