Chemical flare "may facilitate brain cancer surgery"

Chemical flare "may facilitate brain cancer surgery"

Chemical flare "may facilitate brain cancer surgery"

Outweighed by the scientist's experiment result from chemical secretions responsible for acquiring brain tumors pink color may help to remove cancerous tumors.
Scientists have a number of patients suspected cancerous growth in brain cells a drink containing 5-ALA compound, a substance found in abundance in the fast-growing cancer cells.
Baldbket neoplasm is described or resins since they infect cells of the same name. These cells are found in the connective tissues that have the task of annexation or linkage between tissues and organs.
Experience has revealed that this article, which is dominated by Pink, the people with the most serious types of cancer.
Researchers hope to help those secretions surgeons to distinguish between cancer cells and healthy brain tissue.
And the treatment of these cancers, the most common type of cancer affecting the brain and which was the cause of death of British Minister Tessa Jowell, surgical intervention to remove as much as possible of the tumor, but the diagnosis of this type of cancer usually lacks precision.

Under the new experiment, the 99 patients suspected with fast-growing tumors in brain cells a drink contains a 5-ALA before surgery.
Researchers said earlier that the article ends up in fast-growing cancerous cells because they lack the enzyme needed to cracking this chemical.
Surgeons used a microscope to help see the sunlit tissue during the removal of brain tumors.
During the surgery, these tissues have 85 patients, of whom 81 are suffering from serious injuries and one patient with low injury risk in addition to the inability to assess the degree of injury to three patients.
Among patients who did not appear to have lighted tissue during surgeries, 14 injured, there were seven patients have low degrees of injury while the other seven injured degree recognition.
Cristina Corian, Professor with the Research Center cooperative brain tumors at Bristol University, said: "there is an urgent need to find help Brain Surgeons during a patient on the table to discover the parts most affected by the disease."
"Useful in article 5-ALA is that they reveal tumors during surgery."
The researchers noted that the study focused on the first phase to dangerous degree gliomas, but there is still more work to broaden the search samples and more extensive study involving more patients with less serious degrees of these tumors until more information is available About this new method.

There is a need to test other types of guidance materials, which show surgeons less serious cancerous cells and help them to distinguish them from healthy tissue in the brain.
The following steps include the use of 5-ALA to experiment with children afflicted with brain cancer, to help surgeons identify cicatricial tissue in patients who have suffered a relapse after treatment of cancer.
Said Paul Brennan, a professor at the Center for cancer research, to highlight the most dangerous tumors about the correct tissue in the brain instantly helps surgeons to remove as much as possible of the tumor while maintaining healthy tissues in the brain. "
"The illuminated guidance material also relieves the burden of pursuing treatment, requiring the remaining parts of tumors after surgery more radiation treatments or chemotherapy.
And approved the National Institute for health and clinical excellence earlier this year on the use of 5-ALA before surgery for brain cancer patients.
A search was made at the National Cancer Research Institute Conference which takes place between 4 and 6.

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