An easy way to calculate the days "ovulation" fast pregnancy

An easy way to calculate the days "ovulation" fast pregnancy

An easy way to calculate the days "ovulation" fast pregnancy

Calculating the menstrual cycle and ovulation days of important accounts in every woman's life, especially seeking pregnancy and ovulation days account is a reproduction of the most important things that women keen on them meticulously, spawning and fertilization days screening makes the process of pregnancy is easier if a couple does not suffer from any Diseases or contraindications for pregnancy, ovulation process means that the egg had grown to normal size and become complete and ready for fertilization
Calculating the menstrual cycle and ovulation days.

The menstrual cycle or monthly bleeding I have is the descent of unfertilized ovum with remnants of endometriosis as a bleeding once a month, and is a regular monthly session if no disaster happens every 28 to 35 days if the term is said or PMS, irregular menstrual cycle Three stages:-
Monthly bleeding stage and be between 4 to 7 days at normal rates with most females.
Egg stage of maturity, they take the first 10 days after the end of the period, a period which consists inedible egg fertilization, often where no pregnancy.
Ovulating, and the stage of pregnancy after release of mature ovum ovary, and in women who have a regular menstrual cycle every 28 days with ovulation day is day 14 of the first day at any first day of monthly bleeding, and in addition the previous day and any subsequent day. 13 and 15 and also the best chances of getting pregnant.

When was your period between 29 days and 35 days period is calculated in the fourteenth day of the first day of my period with adding the number of days in excess of 28, if for example come to PMS every 31 days, ovulation day is 14 + 3 days "and is the result of subtracting 31-28 ″, any Be ovulation at day 17 the previous day and then any subsequent day 16, 18, also from the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
In the case of regular periods of others must consult a physician to plan your daily ovulation days my sonar as well as describe the necessary treatment to regulate the menstrual cycle.

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