Great benefits of nuts

Great benefits of nuts

Great benefits of nuts

If I knew what the nuts and almonds and pistachios, hazelnuts and pine nuts, and other features and tremendous health benefits, why to linger, eat share them every day.

And that's really what most recommendations of the disease prevention and Control Center (CDC) in the United States, which has found in the survey in 2010 to 14% of men and 12% of women only, eat the recommended daily quota specialists in nutrition science today (45 g), To ensure the safety of the heart and blood vessels.

And not only the benefits of nuts on the heart, they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and lipids that, in addition to its essential role in lowering cholesterol, useful in cases of rheumatoid arthritis and asthma and hinder the growth of children, depression, Alzheimer's disease, it's also full of antioxidants Other that fights all factors leading to chronic diseases and Geriatrics.

To benefit from health nuts must be addressed properly, fifty-four grams of nuts earns the equivalent of 240 calories of food, if you hadn't spent the corresponding movement and exercise, the results will inevitably increase in weight.

Here are some features of the various types of nuts:
is the best nuts benefit to the heart without a doubt, in a study conducted in 2011 he found it contains twice as much as any other nuts contain antioxidants, as proved Lowering bad cholesterol, LDL, and triglyceride (and thus proved its effect HDL in preventing coronary heart disease) in several other studies. 

And most researchers found features to the nut is special properties enhance memory and delay of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

is the best nuts for people who want to lose weight, nuts are not identical in what they gave us food and fewer calories than the least fit on these extra calories is almonds (which gives 160 calories per ounce 30 g no more), and study Talking to who eat 45 grams of almonds a day during their diet, they lost more weight than those who didn't drink any nuts, specialists believe that the reason is due to contain large quantities of almonds fibers that give a feeling of fullness.

-Cashew nuts and almonds
are the best nuts for strengthening bones, for their abundance of lime and magnesium, one ounce (30 grams) of almonds alone provide you 26% of your daily calcium metal booster to your skeleton, like cashews believes You 20% of your daily magnesium metal is necessary as well as the structure of your bones.

pistachio contains a higher percentage of protein, compared with other nuts (7 grams per ounce), so it is worthwhile for all medical conditions that require eating more protein, new research also showed its interest in lowering the rates ( LDL).

-all nuts
in a recent study proved that men with early stages of prostate cancer (prostate) were able to lower risk of cancer progression to advanced stages if they kept it up to eat 30 grams of nuts each Day.

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