Methods of diagnosis and treatment of curvature of the back

Methods of diagnosis and treatment of curvature of the back


Methods of diagnosis and treatment of curvature of the back

Curvature (Scoliosis) curvature and the curvature of the spine in the upper back, causing an imbalance in the shape of the spine or even his job, where weak flaccid appear distorted tall and can hit convexity anyone why.
Curvature (Scoliosis) curvature and the curvature of the spine in the upper back, causing an imbalance in the shape of the spine or even his job, where weak flaccid appear distorted tall and can hit convexity anyone why.
So if you or your child signs or symptoms common to the curvature of the back, hurried to make an appointment to visit your family doctor. And may refer you to a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal disorders, maybe your doctor asks you some questions:
-Can you feel pain bye? If there is a pain, what area you feel the pain specifically?
-Are there symptoms include fever or chills or unjustified loss of weight?
-Symptoms include weakness, or elder, or difficulty walking, or changes in the status of the bladder or bowels?
-Symptoms include tiredness or shortness of breath?
During the physical exam, the doctor will check your height, you may be asked to bend forward from the waist, while the spine is viewed from the side. When the curvature of the back, the upper back may become more prominent in its location, as your doctor may perform a neurological examination to test your reflexes and muscle strength.

And you may need the following, according to signs and symptoms:
-X-rays. Regular mammograms are used to determine the degree of bending and can detect abnormalities in the vertebrae, which helps to determine what kind of hunched back.
-CT scans (CT). If you require further details, you may be asked to CT scan-which captures the x-ray images from multiple angles, and then combines them to form images with a cross-section of internal structures.
-Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). If you doubt the doctor in a tumor or an infection, you may request an MRI, MRI uses radio waves and a strong magnet to produce detailed pictures of bones and soft tissue.
-Nerve tests. If I felt bye numbness or weakness in the muscles, your doctor may recommend multiple tests can determine how safe transmission of nerve impulses between the spinal cord and the parties.

* The treatments and drugs
Convexity treatment depends on the situation and the signs and symptoms.

1. medications
Your doctor may recommend:
-Pain relievers. Include medications available without a prescription such as an acetaminophen (Tylenol and other medications), waibobrovin (Advil Motrin and LBM and other medications) or naproxen (Aleve)-insufficient, or stronger pain relievers available by prescription.
-Osteoporosis drugs. Convexity is back I have many old people first sign of osteoporosis. Medicines can help strengthen bones to prevent additional fractures in the spine which may lead to deterioration of the curvature of the back.

2. conservative treatment
Can improve the situation of certain kinds of curvature of the back by:
-Exercise. Stretching can improve the flexibility of the spine and relieve back pain, strengthening exercises can also help your abdominal muscles to improve posture.
-Installation of the saddle. You may be able to children with diabetes Sherman to stop the deterioration of the curvature of the back by wearing a prop for the body while their bones are growing.

-A healthy lifestyle. Help maintain a healthy weight and regular physical activity in the prevention of back pain and reduce symptoms of buckling.
-Maintain good bone density. That a healthy diet containing calcium and vitamin d, bone density scan, especially if there is a family history includes developing osteoporosis or a history includes a fraction earlier, can help older adults avoid weak bones, compression fractures and hunched back output About it.

3. surgical operations and other medical procedures
If bending due to the curvature of the back very, or bending presses on the spinal cord or nerve roots, your doctor may recommend surgery to reduce the degree of curvature.
And very common procedures, merging paragraphs, which connect two or more together permanently. Surgeons worked to introduce pieces of bones between paragraphs, then connect with each other using metal wire Prague until healed the spine together in sound mode.

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