"Notable" in the proportion of fertile women across the world

"Notable" in the proportion of fertile women across the world

"Notable" in the proportion of fertile women across the world

Detect reproductive rate decline among women researchers across the world.
The study showed that half the Nations of the world face a shortage in the number of births because of declining fertility among women.
The researchers described the results as "surprising".
This phenomenon will have social implications if so would be the number of grandparents than grandchildren. "
What size is the retreat?
Check the study, published in the Lancet, birth trends in all countries since the 1950s to 2017.
In the 1950s women have 4, 7 children. The fertility rate last year to 2.4 children per woman.
But those figures mask large differences between the various States. The fertility of women in Niger hit 7.1 children per woman, while in Cyprus the rate of having women is one child.
Women's fertility rate in Britain by 1, 7 children per woman, as is the case in most Western countries. 

What is fertility rate?
The fertility rate is having women is different from the number of births each year.
When a country's fertility rate drops below 2, 1 the population starts to decline.
In the 1950s, no country in the world in this level of fertility.
Professor, Christopher, Mary, Director, Institute of health assessment at the University of Washington, told the BBC: "half the countries in the world are below the desired fertility, if action is not taken to this effect, the population in these countries would go down."
He added: "it's a surprise to me that half the Nations of the world without the required level of fertility, a surprise for people."
What are the countries concerned?
Most of the economically developed countries such as the United States, Europe, and South Korea experienced a decline in fertility.
This does not mean that the population in these countries back down necessarily, the population also associated with mortality and migration.
Predict that shows the effect of declining fertility population after several generations.

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