New treatment restores "menstruation" to women after menopause.

New treatment restores "menstruation" to women after menopause.

New treatment restores "menstruation" to women after menopause.

Women's menstruation ceases after menopause usually aged between 45 and 55 years.
But scientists have discovered new treatment restores menstruation to women after menopause by stem cells, according to the Sun newspaper.

This therapy has achieved remarkable success, yet his experience on a number of women over forty, during six months of eating it; they increased estrogen.

And bone marrow stem cells were taken 33 women, infused into the ovary. During the 6 months period returned to them again, as I stopped symptoms such as stress and insomnia.

According to experts, this treatment restores hope to hundreds of thousands of women; one of every 100 women in the United Kingdom alone, the woman has cleansed herself? before the age of 40.

This discovery could give women hope to have children in the 1950s.
It is expected the US team of Augusta State University, his statements about this treatment at a Conference next week, according to the medical expert Dr. Christos motivates said that "these exciting preliminary results."

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