Learn the benefits of parsley. One joint pain

Learn the benefits of parsley. One joint pain

Learn the benefits of parsley. One joint pain 
A recent medical study confirmed that parsley is one of the most powerful antioxidants, because it contains a "alabiginin" which is anti-allergic and inflammatory and contractions, in addition to its role in protecting the body from infection by cancerous tumors.
The study prepared by a member of the Egyptian society of Allergy and Immunology, and children's consultant Dr magdy Badran, parsley as a friend to the digestive system, and can be considered "the pharmacy of the human body", as it contains a palliative for sore gums and teeth and sanitized for the mouth.

The study confirmed that benefits and positives of parsley is that it helps the composition of collagen which is the article natural beauty, it also safeguarded under the freshness of the skin, hair and eyes, according to the website "boldsky" in the English version.
The study drew could eat parsley bye quantity because it contains no fat or cholesterol, and eaten with meat is of particular importance, since it is equivalent to its acidity and urges the secretion of digestive juices, especially bile, which helps Digest fats that contain meat.
The study showed that several parsley benefits in reducing gases and gastrointestinal cramps caused by poor digestion and fatty food, it also has a positive effect on muscles and eliminates pain cramping and lowers blood fats and blood pressure and urinary acid which causes gout height.

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