What kills a lot of healthy people in winter?

What kills a lot of healthy people in winter?

What kills a lot of healthy people in winter?

A recent medical study said that about 100 people die each year while on snow removal, the experts warned that it is too dangerous for over 55 years.
The study reveals that between 1990 and 2006, 1647 deaths throughout the United States, all associated with this activity the practitioner in cold weather.

All the deaths associated with the heart, where cardiologist said Barry Franklin, British Broadcasting Corporation BBC, believed that hundreds die every year due to snow removal "because they don't have a clue about how this hard work on the heart."

Franklin said he advises anyone over the age of 55 years, not to try to remove the snow, because it would be too dangerous for him, and added: "the people most at risk are those who have coronary artery disease, and out to remove snow for once a year.
The study explains that the physical effort required to move the heavy snow is likely to cause an increase in blood pressure and heart.
It is known that the cold affects the work of the arteries reduces blood flow, which, when mixed with physical activity, to what Franklin as "a perfect storm of a heart attack."

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