How to burn more calories and lose weight without eating less and without exercising

How to burn more calories and lose weight without eating less and without exercising

so in this video I want to talk about how to burn more calories without exercise and without eating less is it possible it absolutely is possible if you have the right information most people have this idea that I need to exercise more and eat less calories because one pound of fat is 3500 calories so if I just take the total calories it takes to run my body let's say it's an average 1,900 calories okay and I eat less than that and I burn off extra calories boom problem solved I lose the weight and of course the main recommendation that people are given and this is based on this website called nks UK they get over 43 million views a month and this is some of the things that they will tell you to do to lose weight number one do not skip your breakfast okay number two eat regular meals number three be plenty of fruit and vegetables I agree with the vegetables walk more and get more steps drink more water consume higher fiber foods use a smaller plate and last don't ban any specific food okay so you don't want to ban any specific food I don't know why they're recommending that but their biggest thing is that you must eat everything in moderation here's the big problem you have two types of store fuel you have stored sugar as glycogen and you have stored fat the amount of stored sugar that an average person has is about 1,700 calories okay not a lot the average person who's not overweight is carrying about a hundred thousand calories of fat on their body 

so the real question is how to burn more fat calories because I don't think the goal is just to burn off your sugar reserves and then get really really hungry for carbohydrates right and not tapping the fat doing everything in moderation will only cause you to burn off your sugar but it will not cause you to tap into fat so if we want to focus in not just burning up our sugar few but tapping into the actual fat we must not treat all the type of calories the same ok certain calories we can have more certain ones we can do less and some we can do moderation like for example protein yes eat your protein in moderation that would be a smart idea SARS the carbs we need to reduce that because if you want to maximize your fat burning and tap into only fat the way to do that is simply to bring your carbs as close to zero as possible ok so let's say we have zero and then we have five carbs ten carbs per day 15 carbs 20 carbs per day right or through here is where you going to start seeing some good results the greater the carb the less your body's ability to tap into fat fuel and as you feed your body less and less carb your metabolism actually speeds up because you actually heal a condition called insulin resistance which is behind a slow metabolism realize that exercise only is responsible for about 15% of your weight loss but 85% is diet so it's not as significant as you might think okay but now let's talk about how to lose weight without reducing your calories let's say for example you're consuming 1,950 calories per day and you're doing 3 meals maybe some snacks whatever 

and so each meal would be about 650 calories ok three meals a day if you were to start reducing the frequency of meals ok you skip your breakfast but we take those calories and we put them into a lunch and a dinner with only two meals you will start to lose more weight because of the nature of just going on a longer fast and the fact that every time you eat you trigger insulin and that's what converts into fat so the less eating less insulin more weight loss so you go from three meals a day down to two meals keep your total calories at nineteen hundred and fifty okay and then you want to take it to the next level because if you're doing two meals a day no snacks and you're fasting your hunger is going to go way down and the rule of thumb is you don't want to eat unless you are hungry which means that you're going to be able to have one meal a day and not have to eat breakfast or lunch giving you a total of about 23 hours of fasting and this is without cutting your calories down if you kept the same other calories as three meals you would lose a lot more weight now the problem that you're gonna run into is that you're actually burning your own fat reserve when you're fasting okay so it's not that you're starving you are eating but you're eating your own fat so for you to sit down and have a meal that is nineteen hundred and fifty calories is difficult to consume that but you could what most people end up doing is eating less calories not because they're trying to lose weight just because they're having a hard time digesting it but the cool thing is though when you're eating less the need for nutrients goes down because your body is in a recycle mode so you're recycling more than nutrients so this is how you burn more fat calories without eating less and without exercising you reduce the frequency of eating keep your calories the same but just make sure you're reducing certain calories but not others go ahead and try this and see for yourself 

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