For mothers. How to make healthy sports video games for your kids

For mothers. How to make healthy sports video games for your kids

For mothers. How to make healthy sports video games for your kids


Video games attracted the attention of many adolescents and children in the community to its modern techniques and develop new games every day and carry many pros and cons in content affect their behaviors, attitudes towards community living in it.
Within the framework of the negatives according to the World Health Organization have proven that children who spend more than two hours a day in front of video games have increased chances of obesity and diabetes, second class because school attendance of children practicing bad dietary habits while sitting in front of the games Video, like: eating a lot of food and drinks rich nutritional value and low content of calories and saturated fat.
Accordingly, the website provides a number of important tips to be on the mother's children urged them before starting fitness exercises.
Take care to follow your child and encouraging him to do some warm-up exercises and lengthen the muscles before starting fitness performance via video games to activate its bloody and create his muscles for physical labor which will, in addition, to speed up the rate of burning.

Take care of the nutrition component based on eating a balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients for building the body healthy and strong. For example, an important protein component in building the muscles that operate effectively burn fat around it even out time for exercise, which works to maintain the long-term health and weight.

Keep your baby supply beneficial carbohydrates which are the main source of energy than it takes to do physical activity effectively and must obtain a daily body balanced ratios so that excessive eating leads to weight gain as a result of the hormone insulin in the blood which in turn works Speed in fat storage and therefore an increase in weight.

Encourage your child to focus during sports movements performed properly which will avoid any complications during the game as a muscle contraction or a broken bone or muscle in the leg or foot.

Make sure family members gathered around the display screen and invite them to do perform the exercises collectively within the home, which increases the enthusiasm and support of family relations.

Choose a place for training, which must be its floor uneven or flat as you must have good ventilation, where recent studies proved that the availability of oxygen during exercise improves the burn speeds up the body's metabolism and thus weight loss.

Take care to choose a good shoe for your child so he can perform the exercises correctly, Fitness Specialists warned of the use of commercial sports shoes during training, which proved detrimental to the foot and the knee together.

Share your favorite toy by allocating specific time every week-only mechanism which enhances the relationship between child and parent and brings him more psychological support
Encourage your child to practice other types of sports adopted to accelerate the burning in your body and you are advised to exercise in the open air outside the House as walking around the Club wall or running in gardens or parks, the researchers noted that diversity in sports avoid being bored and urges Regularity and keep them for long periods.

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